Extreme Ghostbusters was an animated US TV series that ran for one season and forty episodes in 1997. It followed the adventures of a new team of Ghostbusters – Kylie, Roland, Garrett and Eduardo – working under original Ghostbuster Egon Spengler. For my brother Jake and me (and other British kids), about twenty-five of these episodes aired on Children's ITV on Tuesday afternoons at 4.15 from early 1998, and some of them were later repeated on Sunday mornings. In those moody, adolescent days I had few reasons to get up early at the weekends, but when those repeats were on, there was no question of staying in bed. I was hooked, and Extreme Ghostbusters remains my favourite TV show to this day.
It is, of course, a follow-up to The Real Ghostbusters, which is (of course) the cartoon based on the 1984 movie Ghostbusters. For me, though, comparisons are odious; EGB was and is its own phenomenon, for it was and is phenomenal. It speaks to me. I've always been most interested in characters who are in their formative years, which the young Ghostbusters very much are. The series showed these four characters growing up, getting to know each other and themselves, with Egon and Janine around to be grown up and sensible when necessary – and, of course, to add plenty to the show with their own stories and characterisation. There are a few dud episodes, but when EGB is well written it's really well written, and always brilliantly performed by the voice cast. That is my opinion. If you want to see more of my opinions (and perhaps even a few facts) about EGB, then you'll find plenty here.
Thank you so much for visiting my website, which includes several contributions from Jake as well as from me. If you'd like to get in touch with your comments or questions, please feel free to contact me. Both Jake and I would be delighted to hear from you.
All the best,
Rosey 'EGB Fan' Collins
It is, of course, a follow-up to The Real Ghostbusters, which is (of course) the cartoon based on the 1984 movie Ghostbusters. For me, though, comparisons are odious; EGB was and is its own phenomenon, for it was and is phenomenal. It speaks to me. I've always been most interested in characters who are in their formative years, which the young Ghostbusters very much are. The series showed these four characters growing up, getting to know each other and themselves, with Egon and Janine around to be grown up and sensible when necessary – and, of course, to add plenty to the show with their own stories and characterisation. There are a few dud episodes, but when EGB is well written it's really well written, and always brilliantly performed by the voice cast. That is my opinion. If you want to see more of my opinions (and perhaps even a few facts) about EGB, then you'll find plenty here.
Thank you so much for visiting my website, which includes several contributions from Jake as well as from me. If you'd like to get in touch with your comments or questions, please feel free to contact me. Both Jake and I would be delighted to hear from you.
All the best,
Rosey 'EGB Fan' Collins
Extreme Ghostbusters © Columbia Pictures Television and Adelaide Productions, 1997. Images are used in accordance with the fair use policy specified in US and UK copyright law.