Shippers' Page

For me, a huge part of being an EGB fan is being an Eduardo and Kylie shipper. EGB isn't just about ghosts; it's about relationships. Tara Charendoff and Rino Romano both did a wonderful job of interpreting their characters' dynamic, as did the animators, quite often! This is a classic love/hate relationship, done brilliantly and uniquely. Eduardo and Kylie are people who feel deeply and put up walls. In basic terms, he thinks she's sexy but weird, then starts to realise there's more to her than that; she thinks he's stupid and annoying, then starts to see past his protective shell. Neither of them wants to expose any tender nerves, so these are kept well covered with insincere bickering. This, combined with raw physical attraction, means that they have a volatile relationship. Yes, she thinks he's sexy too. They're a sexy couple, and occasionally an EGB episode will push the boundaries of what's acceptable in a cartoon. I'm not one of those who say the show wasn't really meant for kids at all, because of course it was; it's just that there's plenty in there for the grown-ups too (as with all the best children's TV, movies and literature). For all these reasons, I find Eduardo and Kylie's relationship enjoyable to watch and compelling to follow. I am now about to take you on the most enormous geek-out, through what I consider to be the significant moments in their relationship.

Darkness at Noon (Parts 1 & 2)
How many cartoon couples actually have their first meeting on-screen? Well... probably a few, and Eduardo and Kylie can certainly be counted among them. The lecture hall scene is the perfect, quick and easy way to introduce the four protagonists, to each other and to the audience. When Eduardo arrives, he finds Garrett and Kylie already there. He notices Garrett first, as he is being very demonstrative, and Eduardo has no problem with telling him, 'Any moron with half a brain cell knows they [ghosts] don't exist.' Then he notices Kylie, with all her books by Egon at her side, and makes a face and a 'damn it!' gesture that express a clear desire to take back his words. Why care about her thoughts on the matter and not Garrett's? Well, that's obvious. He thinks he's blown it already, and she thinks she's not going to like him very much, but she talks to him all the same. 'So why are you taking this class, Mr Half-A-Brain-Cell?', twisting his own words back on him, of course, and giving him the trigger to let the audience know: 'The name's Eduardo.' Now, she wouldn't ask a question if she wasn't interested in the answer! Then, when Roland shows up and starts banging on about the Ecto-1, Eduardo and Kylie take the trouble to look at each other as if to say: what a boring nerd (poor Roland!). I'd say they're already making a connection. Skip ahead a few minutes, to when Egon has come to give his lecture (and to get reacquainted with Janine), and Slimer interrupts with news that the PKE meters are going mad. Everyone is keen to get to the firehouse, except for Eduardo, who doesn't seem to want to bother. Kylie hangs back to ask him, 'You coming?' She can't be feeling that hostile towards him, then, despite the bad first impression, and once she's said this, Eduardo immediately makes up his mind to go along. He does manage to annoy her again when he says, 'I'll tell you one thing, babe: this is no Easy A.' This gives Kylie the trigger to tell the audience her name, again using Eduardo's own phrasing to make a point: 'The name's Kylie.' He tried and, for now, he failed. And he looks pretty bummed about it, too!
How many cartoon couples actually have their first meeting on-screen? Well... probably a few, and Eduardo and Kylie can certainly be counted among them. The lecture hall scene is the perfect, quick and easy way to introduce the four protagonists, to each other and to the audience. When Eduardo arrives, he finds Garrett and Kylie already there. He notices Garrett first, as he is being very demonstrative, and Eduardo has no problem with telling him, 'Any moron with half a brain cell knows they [ghosts] don't exist.' Then he notices Kylie, with all her books by Egon at her side, and makes a face and a 'damn it!' gesture that express a clear desire to take back his words. Why care about her thoughts on the matter and not Garrett's? Well, that's obvious. He thinks he's blown it already, and she thinks she's not going to like him very much, but she talks to him all the same. 'So why are you taking this class, Mr Half-A-Brain-Cell?', twisting his own words back on him, of course, and giving him the trigger to let the audience know: 'The name's Eduardo.' Now, she wouldn't ask a question if she wasn't interested in the answer! Then, when Roland shows up and starts banging on about the Ecto-1, Eduardo and Kylie take the trouble to look at each other as if to say: what a boring nerd (poor Roland!). I'd say they're already making a connection. Skip ahead a few minutes, to when Egon has come to give his lecture (and to get reacquainted with Janine), and Slimer interrupts with news that the PKE meters are going mad. Everyone is keen to get to the firehouse, except for Eduardo, who doesn't seem to want to bother. Kylie hangs back to ask him, 'You coming?' She can't be feeling that hostile towards him, then, despite the bad first impression, and once she's said this, Eduardo immediately makes up his mind to go along. He does manage to annoy her again when he says, 'I'll tell you one thing, babe: this is no Easy A.' This gives Kylie the trigger to tell the audience her name, again using Eduardo's own phrasing to make a point: 'The name's Kylie.' He tried and, for now, he failed. And he looks pretty bummed about it, too!

Things move on; Kylie 'borrows' Egon's ghost beacon and gets possessed by the demon Achira. Egon's taking the class again the very next day, and Eduardo wants to know why Kylie isn't there. 'She's such a big fan of this ghost stuff, so... where is she?' He's got there first, and asks the question when Roland and Garrett are just arriving. He wants to see her all right. Garrett thinks it's funny to start teasing already: 'I think somebody has a little thing for Vampyra.' At this early stage, Eduardo manages to sound convincing when he says he's not interested in 'scrawny girls who talk to ghoulies'. If there had been a British exchange student among them, he or she would have laughed when Eduardo said 'ghoulies', but anyway – fast forward again, and the next time he and Kylie see each other is when the three boys are out ghostbusting and Kylie/Achira finds Eduardo on his own by the Ecto-1. Here is where they start getting into the sexy stuff. 'Are you happy to see me, Eduardo?' Kylie asks, in deeply suggestive tones, with a coy expression on her face. 'Um, sure,' says Eduardo, pretty much baffled. 'Because I'm reeeally happy to see you,' says Kylie. I was twelve, and I seem to remember I got what she meant by that... more or less. Eduardo's a little slower on the uptake. He probably doesn't dare to believe his luck – and rightly so, as it turns out. 'From the first time I saw you in the lecture hall,' Kylie goes on, 'I felt... an attraction. Did you feel it, too?' Well, Achira wouldn't bother to make that up! Eduardo still can't answer sensibly. 'Well, I don't know, sort of. I mean, you could stand to put on a couple of pounds.' I have to confess, I never quite know what to say about that one. Anyway, he finally starts to get into it when she pushes herself against him, and him against the car, and tells him, 'A good-looking guy like you was really hard to resist,' (it's at this point the smile comes to his face) and demands, 'Kiss me, Eduardo! I want you to...' It's very sexy and very dangerous (though of course it wouldn't have been fatal). When Roland and Garrett turn up and Roland tells him to 'Back off, Eduardo!', he comes out with the immortal line, 'Why? She's legal.' (I seem to remember I did not get that one when I was a child of twelve). Roland then tells him what he didn't know: 'She's a ghost!' At this point, Achira makes it obvious what she's trying to do, so Eduardo backs off, ends up on the ground screaming in fear and, after some dithering on the part of his teammates, eventually blasts the demon out of Kylie. As though to emphasise the very core of their relationship, without Achira, Kylie's seductiveness changes at once to extreme anger. Like the come-on, this is physical too, as she pulls Eduardo by his goatee into close eye contact and says, 'You blasted me!' She lets him point out that she was possessed, then leaves it at that.

When the adventure is over, Eduardo tries to find out if Kylie meant any of what she said to him when she was possessed. 'I have no idea what you're talking about,' she says, not at all convincingly, and she can't look him in the eye. Even so, he seems to take her at her word, and looks disappointed. Then, in a subtle bit of animation, her eyes slide over to Garrett's chocolate bar. In that moment, she's making a decision. She gets Garrett to let her have a piece of chocolate, and says to Eduardo, 'I'm trying to put on a couple of pounds.' So much subtext! Yes, I do remember. You said the wrong thing, so maybe I'm not interested anymore. On the other hand, I still said it, didn't I? etc. She hasn't decided what to do yet but, for whatever reason, she wants him to know that she's just told him a dirty great lie. Eduardo's expression doesn't give much away; a little surprise, and acknowledgement of what she's said. Neither one wants to do anything about it just now, though.

Fear Itself
This is a fabulous episode all round, and it has some nice moments for Eduardo and Kylie. He really seems to be trying something, but it mostly just results in him getting on her nerves. 'Just scream if you run into trouble,' he says, trying to sound heroic, when the team decides to split up; she gives him a dirty look and answers with, 'I'm not a screamer.' How can I describe the look her gives her in response? Surprised, certainly, and also... kind of aroused? I don't know! She later treats his concern with contempt when he asks if she's okay after facing her fear (maggots), and she's hugging her knees and looking very shaken. 'Do I look okay?' This must be disappointing for Eduardo after he's pushed ahead of Roland to be the first to reach her, an act that seems to be fuelled by self-interest, now that he's seen she's not in immediate danger (but oh, she is a screamer after all!). Later on, we see his genuine alarm when Kylie is swallowed up by the floor; he runs after her and punches the daylights out of the spot where she stood. But first, back at the maggot pit, Kylie's body language suggests (to me at least) that she is in some ways reassured by Eduardo's nearness, and it's nice when (almost completely in the background) she lets him help her to her feet. But then he's a little unkind in expressing his surprise: 'A chick who keeps her doll in a spider's web is afraid of worms?' The boys kind of gang up on Kylie at this point, and so it's understandable when she lashes out at Eduardo for suggesting she's 'really afraid of death': 'Uh, that's deep. No! I'm afraid of maggots! They creep me out, okay?' Eduardo seems cowed by her physical and emotional outburst: 'Gee, bite my head off. I thought everyone was afraid of death,' thus giving the audience one of the answers we've been seeking. Kylie later comes to fight his fear of death (the gradual reveal for which is brilliantly done, with him quietly freaking out when they figure out what's going on, and lashing out at Garrett rather than talk about it: 'I'm gonna find out what your fear is, and shove it in your face!'), the death phobia being manifested in the form of himself as a zombie. 'Oh yeah,' says Kylie, when she's about to shoot, 'I see a resemblance. This oughtta be fun!' Clearly she needs to work out some frustration.
This is a fabulous episode all round, and it has some nice moments for Eduardo and Kylie. He really seems to be trying something, but it mostly just results in him getting on her nerves. 'Just scream if you run into trouble,' he says, trying to sound heroic, when the team decides to split up; she gives him a dirty look and answers with, 'I'm not a screamer.' How can I describe the look her gives her in response? Surprised, certainly, and also... kind of aroused? I don't know! She later treats his concern with contempt when he asks if she's okay after facing her fear (maggots), and she's hugging her knees and looking very shaken. 'Do I look okay?' This must be disappointing for Eduardo after he's pushed ahead of Roland to be the first to reach her, an act that seems to be fuelled by self-interest, now that he's seen she's not in immediate danger (but oh, she is a screamer after all!). Later on, we see his genuine alarm when Kylie is swallowed up by the floor; he runs after her and punches the daylights out of the spot where she stood. But first, back at the maggot pit, Kylie's body language suggests (to me at least) that she is in some ways reassured by Eduardo's nearness, and it's nice when (almost completely in the background) she lets him help her to her feet. But then he's a little unkind in expressing his surprise: 'A chick who keeps her doll in a spider's web is afraid of worms?' The boys kind of gang up on Kylie at this point, and so it's understandable when she lashes out at Eduardo for suggesting she's 'really afraid of death': 'Uh, that's deep. No! I'm afraid of maggots! They creep me out, okay?' Eduardo seems cowed by her physical and emotional outburst: 'Gee, bite my head off. I thought everyone was afraid of death,' thus giving the audience one of the answers we've been seeking. Kylie later comes to fight his fear of death (the gradual reveal for which is brilliantly done, with him quietly freaking out when they figure out what's going on, and lashing out at Garrett rather than talk about it: 'I'm gonna find out what your fear is, and shove it in your face!'), the death phobia being manifested in the form of himself as a zombie. 'Oh yeah,' says Kylie, when she's about to shoot, 'I see a resemblance. This oughtta be fun!' Clearly she needs to work out some frustration.

In this episode, Eduardo is transformed into a laughter vampire with a bite from 'Some... kind of... evil clown toy, man!' While Garrett laughs at him for being attacked by something so silly, Kylie grabs Eduardo's arm and expresses concern at his injury: 'That looks like a nasty cut!' He manfully shrugs it off, then begins gradually transforming into an evil clown, without a word to any of the others. This could be because he doesn't realise something's wrong, or because the demon in him doesn't want to let on; more interestingly, though, I suggest it's because he doesn't like to talk about himself and his worries. Kylie, because she's perceptive when it comes to Eduardo, is the first to notice when he starts leaving giant footprints. 'Garrett,' she says, 'what size shoe does Eduardo wear?' I wonder if Garrett was later kicking himself (as it were) for missing a gag opportunity after such a question (I'm sure they'd have found a way, bearing in mind some other references and jokes in the series) – although of course, that is just a myth, anyhow and it absolutely does not matter! Anyway... the transformation is soon completed, and (after some more bits of plot) Eduardo follows the other three Ghostbusters to Coney Island where he claims Roland as a victim. For a moment, it looks like Garrett and Kylie are going to have to trap the Eduardo clown, as they haven't been able to reverse the transformation by defeating the others. When Garrett says there may be more clowns, Kylie gives a loaded delivery of, 'Maybe just one more.' Then it turns out the ticket booth is actually the head laughter vampire. Phew! Egon and Slimer show up with reinforcements, and the entity is defeated. Eduardo goes back to normal; Kylie approaches his prostrate form to see that he's all right, and Tara just heaps significance on the one-word line, 'Eduardo?' Only when she's satisfied that Eduardo's all right does she think to ask, 'Where's Roland?' She sounds concerned, but... poor Roland!
In this episode, Eduardo is transformed into a laughter vampire with a bite from 'Some... kind of... evil clown toy, man!' While Garrett laughs at him for being attacked by something so silly, Kylie grabs Eduardo's arm and expresses concern at his injury: 'That looks like a nasty cut!' He manfully shrugs it off, then begins gradually transforming into an evil clown, without a word to any of the others. This could be because he doesn't realise something's wrong, or because the demon in him doesn't want to let on; more interestingly, though, I suggest it's because he doesn't like to talk about himself and his worries. Kylie, because she's perceptive when it comes to Eduardo, is the first to notice when he starts leaving giant footprints. 'Garrett,' she says, 'what size shoe does Eduardo wear?' I wonder if Garrett was later kicking himself (as it were) for missing a gag opportunity after such a question (I'm sure they'd have found a way, bearing in mind some other references and jokes in the series) – although of course, that is just a myth, anyhow and it absolutely does not matter! Anyway... the transformation is soon completed, and (after some more bits of plot) Eduardo follows the other three Ghostbusters to Coney Island where he claims Roland as a victim. For a moment, it looks like Garrett and Kylie are going to have to trap the Eduardo clown, as they haven't been able to reverse the transformation by defeating the others. When Garrett says there may be more clowns, Kylie gives a loaded delivery of, 'Maybe just one more.' Then it turns out the ticket booth is actually the head laughter vampire. Phew! Egon and Slimer show up with reinforcements, and the entity is defeated. Eduardo goes back to normal; Kylie approaches his prostrate form to see that he's all right, and Tara just heaps significance on the one-word line, 'Eduardo?' Only when she's satisfied that Eduardo's all right does she think to ask, 'Where's Roland?' She sounds concerned, but... poor Roland!

The Unseen
This episode epitomises Eduardo and Kylie's love/hate relationship, and marks a massive turning point for them. Near the beginning, Egon sends them after Kylie's gun, which – however accidentally – Eduardo has lost. Kylie is understandably furious, and gets increasingly more furious with Eduardo the more time she spends with him on a wild goose chase, carrying a heavy proton pack which pride won't let her give back to him. She's particularly irritated because Eduardo tried to blame her for losing the gun, and the turnaround begins when he makes up for it later on. First, though, Kylie loses Eduardo's gun, however understandable this may be i.e. very: two thugs have her gun and threaten to shoot Eduardo if they don't get the proton pack. When the bad guys start shooting at them, Eduardo actually shields Kylie with his body, which shows what his instincts will do when things get serious. Then, once his proton pack has been relinquished, he puts the walls back up. 'It looks like you lost my gun,' he says. Okay, I can see why that makes Kylie even more furious, and she delivers the ultimate (that is, the greatest and the last) rendition of her catchphrase for the day: 'Eduardo. Get... out... of my... face!' The thieves then go and rob a bank with the weapons, which are recognisable as belonging to the Ghostbusters, and consequently Egon, Roland and Garrett are arrested for the crime. Eduardo and Kylie disguise themselves as tourists and speak to Egon through prison bars, and here is where Eduardo gives Kylie a nice surprise when he jumps into her explanation of what has happened with, 'I lost my gun too.' Egon's not too bothered at the moment; he wants them to go to the museum where the Orb of Moldova is being unveiled, and everyone who looks at it will have their eyes plucked by the demon Tenebrach. They have no weapons and no time to fetch a trap, but that's okay if they can persuade the museum administrator not to let anyone see the orb. As they abandon their disguises, Kylie asks, 'Why'd you cover for me?' Eduardo, referencing an earlier line, says, 'I just didn't want the worst day of your life to... get any worse.' He gets a little smile for his trouble, and then off they go.
This episode epitomises Eduardo and Kylie's love/hate relationship, and marks a massive turning point for them. Near the beginning, Egon sends them after Kylie's gun, which – however accidentally – Eduardo has lost. Kylie is understandably furious, and gets increasingly more furious with Eduardo the more time she spends with him on a wild goose chase, carrying a heavy proton pack which pride won't let her give back to him. She's particularly irritated because Eduardo tried to blame her for losing the gun, and the turnaround begins when he makes up for it later on. First, though, Kylie loses Eduardo's gun, however understandable this may be i.e. very: two thugs have her gun and threaten to shoot Eduardo if they don't get the proton pack. When the bad guys start shooting at them, Eduardo actually shields Kylie with his body, which shows what his instincts will do when things get serious. Then, once his proton pack has been relinquished, he puts the walls back up. 'It looks like you lost my gun,' he says. Okay, I can see why that makes Kylie even more furious, and she delivers the ultimate (that is, the greatest and the last) rendition of her catchphrase for the day: 'Eduardo. Get... out... of my... face!' The thieves then go and rob a bank with the weapons, which are recognisable as belonging to the Ghostbusters, and consequently Egon, Roland and Garrett are arrested for the crime. Eduardo and Kylie disguise themselves as tourists and speak to Egon through prison bars, and here is where Eduardo gives Kylie a nice surprise when he jumps into her explanation of what has happened with, 'I lost my gun too.' Egon's not too bothered at the moment; he wants them to go to the museum where the Orb of Moldova is being unveiled, and everyone who looks at it will have their eyes plucked by the demon Tenebrach. They have no weapons and no time to fetch a trap, but that's okay if they can persuade the museum administrator not to let anyone see the orb. As they abandon their disguises, Kylie asks, 'Why'd you cover for me?' Eduardo, referencing an earlier line, says, 'I just didn't want the worst day of your life to... get any worse.' He gets a little smile for his trouble, and then off they go.

At this point, the two really start working together, and they even high-five when they successfully use Slimer to convince the museum administrator of the existence of ghosts and demons. Unfortunately, they're too late. The administrator has seen the orb, even though Tenebrach hasn't yet turned up to take his eyes, as he has a good sense of dramatic timing. He shows up right on cue, and stalks the administrator for a while until Eduardo gets a look at the orb himself. It just got serious, and Kylie starts to put some real effort into defeating Tenebrach! She gropes for the orb, finds it, shows it to him and thereby sends all the stolen eyes back to their owners (many of whom have rotted into the ground long ago, I'm sure). Eduardo then has the idea of smashing the orb to smithereens, which destroys Tenebrach. Eduardo and Kylie celebrate vociferously, and they very nearly hug... but no, it's too early for that. By mutual understanding, they turn it into an awkward handshake and 'Um... good job' (Eduardo). Even so, Kylie has learnt something about Eduardo, and when Garrett tries to have a dig at him later she tells him, 'Eduardo's not so bad. Once you scratch the surface.'

The Crawler
This episode is pretty much all about Egon and Janine's relationship, but there are a few moments for Eduardo and Kylie dotted here and there. The whole thing is mostly played for laughs, for instance, when Eduardo steps in to stop the bug demon Kohila from doing something horrific to Kylie as recompense for stepping on one of his 'billions' of children, the shot cuts to Kohila turning to Eduardo with a car held over his head, and Eduardo having to run screaming when the missile is thrown. Later in the episode, Eduardo's cry of 'They're in my pants!' is again very comical; Kylie responds with, 'Easy, Eduardo. Don't make any sudden moves.' You can read what you like into her level of concern for the contents of his 'pants' (you can even take the British meaning of the word, if you're feeling especially rude), but whatever you make of it, I read a certain amount of tenderness and concern into Tara's delivery. Then, when Egon says his very funny last line, about his relationship with Janine – 'I wouldn't want to rush into anything; you've got to play these things cool' – Eduardo gives a soppy look to the back of Kylie's head. I do appreciate that. Maybe he's more aware of his feelings than she is right now, in this episode, but obviously he doesn't want to talk about them.
This episode is pretty much all about Egon and Janine's relationship, but there are a few moments for Eduardo and Kylie dotted here and there. The whole thing is mostly played for laughs, for instance, when Eduardo steps in to stop the bug demon Kohila from doing something horrific to Kylie as recompense for stepping on one of his 'billions' of children, the shot cuts to Kohila turning to Eduardo with a car held over his head, and Eduardo having to run screaming when the missile is thrown. Later in the episode, Eduardo's cry of 'They're in my pants!' is again very comical; Kylie responds with, 'Easy, Eduardo. Don't make any sudden moves.' You can read what you like into her level of concern for the contents of his 'pants' (you can even take the British meaning of the word, if you're feeling especially rude), but whatever you make of it, I read a certain amount of tenderness and concern into Tara's delivery. Then, when Egon says his very funny last line, about his relationship with Janine – 'I wouldn't want to rush into anything; you've got to play these things cool' – Eduardo gives a soppy look to the back of Kylie's head. I do appreciate that. Maybe he's more aware of his feelings than she is right now, in this episode, but obviously he doesn't want to talk about them.

Be Careful What You Wish For
This is the second and last episode ('The Unseen' being the first) that really is all about Eduardo and Kylie's relationship. I love it, largely because it involves Pagan massively, and I know all about loving one's cat. Eduardo accidentally tells the wish-twisting demon Duophanes that he wants 'Kylie to quit disrespecting me' and 'She treats that cat of hers better than she treats me.' The demon therefore transplants him into Pagan's body, of course – and Eduardo's initial reaction, 'I'm in Kylie's bedroom!', has more significance than a child might realise. He's seriously terrified of the consequences when Kylie arrives, too much to start hoping his wish has come true when she's so happy to see him (if not that kind of happy to see him). 'Oh, I'm so glad to see you, sweetie!' she says, and he mostly just sounds perplexed when he responds with, 'You are? Wait. Did you just call me sweetie?' Later, when Kylie learns the truth, she is utterly horrified. 'Oh no. Please, it can't be!' She doesn't want Eduardo anywhere near her intimate space, her beloved pet or the affection she gave him before she knew what had happened; it's much too soon to be so close. That's one reason why she's angry; there is also the rather less embarrassing one of love for Pagan coupled with her irritation towards Eduardo on that particular day. As Garrett pointed out earlier, 'You insulted her cat, peeked at her journal and called her a vampire.' Garrett also has a quiet, dirty-minded guess at what Eduardo might have said to the demon: 'Ugh, I don't even wanna think about what he wished for.' Sounds like you just did, Garrett! Anyway, the race is on to find Duophanes before he skips town. There are some lovely moments when Eduardo does good things and Kylie credits Pagan; he saves her from being carried off by a pterodactyl (a man who'd been buying pets wished things were like they were in the old days), and Kylie says tenderly, 'Thanks, Pagan'; he closes the demon's hypnotising suitcase with a well-timed leap when his friends are beginning to fall under its spell and, 'Pagan's right, you guys,' says Kylie. Then, when he goes running off at an awkward moment, it's, 'Eduardo, get back here!' She even kids herself that Pagan 'came up with that plan to defeat the ghost' (i.e. give him a paradox, 'I wish you would not grant me this wish', to expose his demon form and make him vulnerable). This is a fabulous episode for showing all sides to Eduardo's character: his occasional thoughtlessness, his hidden feelings that go deep beneath the surface and his ability to come through in times of trouble. When Garrett asks him what it was 'like being Kylie's cat', Eduardo says, 'Educational. He told me lots of things about her.' I think he's just trying to freak her out. He succeeds. 'Like what?' Kylie asks, sounding super worried. If Eduardo was being at all truthful, he's not going to specify. 'Why don't you ask Pagan? He's the smart one.' So it's up to Kylie to think about what she might have been doing, in the privacy of her own home, that she didn't want Eduardo to see (yet).
This is the second and last episode ('The Unseen' being the first) that really is all about Eduardo and Kylie's relationship. I love it, largely because it involves Pagan massively, and I know all about loving one's cat. Eduardo accidentally tells the wish-twisting demon Duophanes that he wants 'Kylie to quit disrespecting me' and 'She treats that cat of hers better than she treats me.' The demon therefore transplants him into Pagan's body, of course – and Eduardo's initial reaction, 'I'm in Kylie's bedroom!', has more significance than a child might realise. He's seriously terrified of the consequences when Kylie arrives, too much to start hoping his wish has come true when she's so happy to see him (if not that kind of happy to see him). 'Oh, I'm so glad to see you, sweetie!' she says, and he mostly just sounds perplexed when he responds with, 'You are? Wait. Did you just call me sweetie?' Later, when Kylie learns the truth, she is utterly horrified. 'Oh no. Please, it can't be!' She doesn't want Eduardo anywhere near her intimate space, her beloved pet or the affection she gave him before she knew what had happened; it's much too soon to be so close. That's one reason why she's angry; there is also the rather less embarrassing one of love for Pagan coupled with her irritation towards Eduardo on that particular day. As Garrett pointed out earlier, 'You insulted her cat, peeked at her journal and called her a vampire.' Garrett also has a quiet, dirty-minded guess at what Eduardo might have said to the demon: 'Ugh, I don't even wanna think about what he wished for.' Sounds like you just did, Garrett! Anyway, the race is on to find Duophanes before he skips town. There are some lovely moments when Eduardo does good things and Kylie credits Pagan; he saves her from being carried off by a pterodactyl (a man who'd been buying pets wished things were like they were in the old days), and Kylie says tenderly, 'Thanks, Pagan'; he closes the demon's hypnotising suitcase with a well-timed leap when his friends are beginning to fall under its spell and, 'Pagan's right, you guys,' says Kylie. Then, when he goes running off at an awkward moment, it's, 'Eduardo, get back here!' She even kids herself that Pagan 'came up with that plan to defeat the ghost' (i.e. give him a paradox, 'I wish you would not grant me this wish', to expose his demon form and make him vulnerable). This is a fabulous episode for showing all sides to Eduardo's character: his occasional thoughtlessness, his hidden feelings that go deep beneath the surface and his ability to come through in times of trouble. When Garrett asks him what it was 'like being Kylie's cat', Eduardo says, 'Educational. He told me lots of things about her.' I think he's just trying to freak her out. He succeeds. 'Like what?' Kylie asks, sounding super worried. If Eduardo was being at all truthful, he's not going to specify. 'Why don't you ask Pagan? He's the smart one.' So it's up to Kylie to think about what she might have been doing, in the privacy of her own home, that she didn't want Eduardo to see (yet).

Ghost Apocalyptic Future
This is not one of my favourite episodes (as I explain elsewhere on this site), but its Eduardo and Kylie moments are well worth a mention. When the rest of the gang sees Kylie disappear, Eduardo is particularly horrified, and then starts to get physically violent with Isaac, the guy from the future who's taken her place. When Kylie begins to come back towards the end of the episode (with a lovely, heartfelt delivery of, 'Guys, can you see me?'), the expression on Eduardo's face is joyful. When everything's dealt with, he approaches her and says, 'Oh man... I thought we lost you for good.' Rino delivers this line beautifully, judging it to be the time when Eduardo really shows his emotion in his voice, but not too much! Kylie gives him a genuine smile, and only answers 'Aha' when he puts the walls back up with, 'I mean, that Isaac dude was really getting on my nerves.' There's a nice bit of animation there, where he looks startled and confused at his own openness. Eduardo's reactions to thinking he's lost Kylie are well handled here, and she's so glad to be back, those pesky walls can't spoil her enjoyment of that little moment. As the scene continues, we see them continuing to stand close to each other in the background; perhaps it would have taken some trouble to move either of them, but to me it seems very deliberate when Eduardo doesn't even turn away from her in order to look behind him when other characters start speaking.
This is not one of my favourite episodes (as I explain elsewhere on this site), but its Eduardo and Kylie moments are well worth a mention. When the rest of the gang sees Kylie disappear, Eduardo is particularly horrified, and then starts to get physically violent with Isaac, the guy from the future who's taken her place. When Kylie begins to come back towards the end of the episode (with a lovely, heartfelt delivery of, 'Guys, can you see me?'), the expression on Eduardo's face is joyful. When everything's dealt with, he approaches her and says, 'Oh man... I thought we lost you for good.' Rino delivers this line beautifully, judging it to be the time when Eduardo really shows his emotion in his voice, but not too much! Kylie gives him a genuine smile, and only answers 'Aha' when he puts the walls back up with, 'I mean, that Isaac dude was really getting on my nerves.' There's a nice bit of animation there, where he looks startled and confused at his own openness. Eduardo's reactions to thinking he's lost Kylie are well handled here, and she's so glad to be back, those pesky walls can't spoil her enjoyment of that little moment. As the scene continues, we see them continuing to stand close to each other in the background; perhaps it would have taken some trouble to move either of them, but to me it seems very deliberate when Eduardo doesn't even turn away from her in order to look behind him when other characters start speaking.

Bird of Prey
Tara always did put a lot into it when Kylie said Eduardo's name out of fear and/or concern. That happens in this episode, when Eduardo manages to get buried in a massive pile of snow; not his finest hour, but Kylie's concern is touching. He gets a more glorious moment towards the end of the episode, though, after everybody has been hiding from the Hraisvelg's tornado behind the Ecto-1 for a bit. At this point Kylie is clutching Eduardo's shoulder and pressing herself against his back whilst looking pensive. Then she decides to make a dash for the Sceptre of Donar, and as she runs off, Eduardo holds out a hand as if to stop her. Or, in brief: they're in mortal danger and touching each other. She also leaps over the car and into his arms when she's got the sceptre, but Roland's arms are also there to help, so maybe that doesn't really count. The touching and flirting continue even once they think the intensity has died down and they're safe, after Eduardo's heroic moment i.e. holding the sceptre above his head while the other three Ghostbusters shoot their proton streams through the crystal in order to trap the Hraisvelg. As it turns out, its deadly twister is still there, but Kylie doesn't notice because she's too busy grabbing Eduardo's elbow and asking, 'Your hands okay?' That is a loaded question. It says: you've been very brave, I hope you're all right, and by the way I might have a particular interest in your hands at some later date. 'I'll live,' Eduardo says simply. Garrett then points out the twister; it's decided that it can only attacked from the inside, and Kylie then reverts to making little digs at Eduardo. 'Who's dumb enough to do that?' he asks, once they've contacted Egon and he's come up with the suicidal solution to the problem. 'Well,' says Kylie, 'you fulfil the obvious requirement.' It's a pretty average episode for me overall, and yet it has those very lovely (and somewhat titillating) moments.
Tara always did put a lot into it when Kylie said Eduardo's name out of fear and/or concern. That happens in this episode, when Eduardo manages to get buried in a massive pile of snow; not his finest hour, but Kylie's concern is touching. He gets a more glorious moment towards the end of the episode, though, after everybody has been hiding from the Hraisvelg's tornado behind the Ecto-1 for a bit. At this point Kylie is clutching Eduardo's shoulder and pressing herself against his back whilst looking pensive. Then she decides to make a dash for the Sceptre of Donar, and as she runs off, Eduardo holds out a hand as if to stop her. Or, in brief: they're in mortal danger and touching each other. She also leaps over the car and into his arms when she's got the sceptre, but Roland's arms are also there to help, so maybe that doesn't really count. The touching and flirting continue even once they think the intensity has died down and they're safe, after Eduardo's heroic moment i.e. holding the sceptre above his head while the other three Ghostbusters shoot their proton streams through the crystal in order to trap the Hraisvelg. As it turns out, its deadly twister is still there, but Kylie doesn't notice because she's too busy grabbing Eduardo's elbow and asking, 'Your hands okay?' That is a loaded question. It says: you've been very brave, I hope you're all right, and by the way I might have a particular interest in your hands at some later date. 'I'll live,' Eduardo says simply. Garrett then points out the twister; it's decided that it can only attacked from the inside, and Kylie then reverts to making little digs at Eduardo. 'Who's dumb enough to do that?' he asks, once they've contacted Egon and he's come up with the suicidal solution to the problem. 'Well,' says Kylie, 'you fulfil the obvious requirement.' It's a pretty average episode for me overall, and yet it has those very lovely (and somewhat titillating) moments.

Seeds of Destruction
Eduardo is mostly being a bit useless in this episode, so it's nice that they slip in a short spurt of heroism for him. It follows a little bit of the usual banter. 'Quit whining,' Kylie says, after she's just shot at a piece of possessed plant that was grabbing Eduardo's leg. 'I didn't hit you, did I?' This is the prelude to her being dangled from a balcony high above the ground, and then dropped, by the plant demon Shanbahac. As she herself puts it, 'I could've been street pizza,' had Eduardo not grabbed her by the leg and pulled her to safety. He gives her a reassuring word, 'Not while I'm around,' and keeps his hands on her while she sits on the balcony rail and recovers herself. Then they smile at each other for really quite a long time, and Roland has to hurry them up. It's not one of my very, very favourite moments, as it's not particularly deep or subtle, but I like it all the same.
Eduardo is mostly being a bit useless in this episode, so it's nice that they slip in a short spurt of heroism for him. It follows a little bit of the usual banter. 'Quit whining,' Kylie says, after she's just shot at a piece of possessed plant that was grabbing Eduardo's leg. 'I didn't hit you, did I?' This is the prelude to her being dangled from a balcony high above the ground, and then dropped, by the plant demon Shanbahac. As she herself puts it, 'I could've been street pizza,' had Eduardo not grabbed her by the leg and pulled her to safety. He gives her a reassuring word, 'Not while I'm around,' and keeps his hands on her while she sits on the balcony rail and recovers herself. Then they smile at each other for really quite a long time, and Roland has to hurry them up. It's not one of my very, very favourite moments, as it's not particularly deep or subtle, but I like it all the same.

The Ghostmakers
This episode isn't massively shippy overall, but there are some subtle reminders. I remember being somewhat disturbed myself when I first saw the episode and it seemed Eduardo had died, especially as it was so reminiscent of Patrick Swayze in Ghost (my heart overrode my reason there). When Kylie discovers Eduardo's lifeless body, she's very distressed. 'Check his pulse!' Garrett calls from the top of the stairs, so Kylie falls to her knees and tries to find a pulse (through two gloves). Then, of course, she's angry with what she believes to be Eduardo (but it's actually a 'ghostmaker' demon) when he opens his eyes and gets up: angry with him for scaring the bejesus out of her like that! She also gives a telling sigh of relief, and she simply has to touch his arm. Eduardo's demon is very clever – he plays this whole episode brilliantly (much better than Garrett's, who's stupid enough to get up and walk) – and he's made a mental note of Kylie's reactions (I like to think!). Later, when it comes to the crunch, he knows just how to protect himself from her proton gun. 'Destroy me, and Eduardo's spirit will have nowhere to come home to.' Kylie replies, 'Yeah? Maybe that's a chance I'll have to take.' Has she given up on Eduardo ever coming back, or is she hoping his spirit is somewhere around to reclaim his body? I daresay she is hoping that. A few minutes later, she's calling desperately for his, Garrett's and Slimer's spirits, but only Slimer hears, because by this time Eduardo and Garrett are with the chief demon in the mirror world. This is how Eduardo, once restored to his body, knows to shoot a proton stream into the mirror. Kylie puts both hands on his arm, ostensibly to stop him from destroying the place and everyone in it. Well, any excuse to touch him, especially as she's so relieved to have him back. She's worried, but he's so confident about what he's doing – 'It won't,' he says, with conviction, when she says the proton beam will reflect back and kill everyone – that she decides to trust him. It's a very intense situation, and when it's all over, Kylie reaffirms her connection with Eduardo when she says, 'At the risk of giving us all seven years' bad luck.' It's more good-natured than her usual style, and he responds with a shrug and a grin. In this moment, the walls are not quite so high.
This episode isn't massively shippy overall, but there are some subtle reminders. I remember being somewhat disturbed myself when I first saw the episode and it seemed Eduardo had died, especially as it was so reminiscent of Patrick Swayze in Ghost (my heart overrode my reason there). When Kylie discovers Eduardo's lifeless body, she's very distressed. 'Check his pulse!' Garrett calls from the top of the stairs, so Kylie falls to her knees and tries to find a pulse (through two gloves). Then, of course, she's angry with what she believes to be Eduardo (but it's actually a 'ghostmaker' demon) when he opens his eyes and gets up: angry with him for scaring the bejesus out of her like that! She also gives a telling sigh of relief, and she simply has to touch his arm. Eduardo's demon is very clever – he plays this whole episode brilliantly (much better than Garrett's, who's stupid enough to get up and walk) – and he's made a mental note of Kylie's reactions (I like to think!). Later, when it comes to the crunch, he knows just how to protect himself from her proton gun. 'Destroy me, and Eduardo's spirit will have nowhere to come home to.' Kylie replies, 'Yeah? Maybe that's a chance I'll have to take.' Has she given up on Eduardo ever coming back, or is she hoping his spirit is somewhere around to reclaim his body? I daresay she is hoping that. A few minutes later, she's calling desperately for his, Garrett's and Slimer's spirits, but only Slimer hears, because by this time Eduardo and Garrett are with the chief demon in the mirror world. This is how Eduardo, once restored to his body, knows to shoot a proton stream into the mirror. Kylie puts both hands on his arm, ostensibly to stop him from destroying the place and everyone in it. Well, any excuse to touch him, especially as she's so relieved to have him back. She's worried, but he's so confident about what he's doing – 'It won't,' he says, with conviction, when she says the proton beam will reflect back and kill everyone – that she decides to trust him. It's a very intense situation, and when it's all over, Kylie reaffirms her connection with Eduardo when she says, 'At the risk of giving us all seven years' bad luck.' It's more good-natured than her usual style, and he responds with a shrug and a grin. In this moment, the walls are not quite so high.

In Your Dreams
This is a great episode, though with mostly inadequate and some very odd-looking bits of animation. That's a real shame, as Tara and Rino put everything into the lines, just like always. When I first watched the episode, I was very surprised to see Eduardo having an erotic dream on children's TV, but there's Kylie slinking across the dreamscape in a very short, very tight black leather dress with a seriously plunging neckline. She calls his name seductively then, when she reaches him, hauls him to his feet and says, 'O-oh, Eduardo. I love being near you.' They begin to embrace but then the dream becomes a nightmare when Eduardo's hair falls out and Kylie is suddenly clinging onto the demon Morpheus – 'Ugh, get a grip! You know I have a boyfriend!' – who's dressed as a college jock with a quiff (which obviously is very amusing). As these dreams are magic, Eduardo is physically affected, and has to let the real Kylie see his unfortunate new look. Tara and Rino really spun gold with the exchange that follows. 'Hey, Eduardo. Nice hairdo.' 'Aw man! It was bad enough you had to see it in the dream.' 'You... dream about me?' Yeah, she likes that. 'It was a nightmare, okay?' Ah, those pesky walls! The animation looks super weird for that bit, with the characters very off-model (in fact, Kylie in particular is off-model for almost the entire episode), but what can you do? Imagine it the way it should have been, I suppose. They both know what's going on; they just won't talk about it explicitly.
This is a great episode, though with mostly inadequate and some very odd-looking bits of animation. That's a real shame, as Tara and Rino put everything into the lines, just like always. When I first watched the episode, I was very surprised to see Eduardo having an erotic dream on children's TV, but there's Kylie slinking across the dreamscape in a very short, very tight black leather dress with a seriously plunging neckline. She calls his name seductively then, when she reaches him, hauls him to his feet and says, 'O-oh, Eduardo. I love being near you.' They begin to embrace but then the dream becomes a nightmare when Eduardo's hair falls out and Kylie is suddenly clinging onto the demon Morpheus – 'Ugh, get a grip! You know I have a boyfriend!' – who's dressed as a college jock with a quiff (which obviously is very amusing). As these dreams are magic, Eduardo is physically affected, and has to let the real Kylie see his unfortunate new look. Tara and Rino really spun gold with the exchange that follows. 'Hey, Eduardo. Nice hairdo.' 'Aw man! It was bad enough you had to see it in the dream.' 'You... dream about me?' Yeah, she likes that. 'It was a nightmare, okay?' Ah, those pesky walls! The animation looks super weird for that bit, with the characters very off-model (in fact, Kylie in particular is off-model for almost the entire episode), but what can you do? Imagine it the way it should have been, I suppose. They both know what's going on; they just won't talk about it explicitly.

'Till Death Do Us Start
This episode contains a couple of scenes which are absolute gems, and unlike 'In Your Dreams', they are enhanced by probably the cleanest, most attractive animation you'll see in the series. The Ghostbusters must spend the night at the firehouse with client Leonard Bates and wait for a life-force-sucking bride to come and try to kiss him dead. The staging is wonderful, as the characters are all in their night attire, which makes the whole situation feel very intimate. There has already been a little bit of implied slightly sexual content earlier for the adults in the audience, with the look Roland and Garrett exchange when Egon suggests that Leonard 'asked for something at this wishing well; a woman, a bride...' How embarrassing! Anyway, while everyone's going in and out of the bathroom (which I don't think is usually off that room, but oh well) and settling down for the night, Roland, Kylie and Garrett have a conversation about their hopes for the future; Eduardo does not join in. He doesn't want to talk about his feelings, of course. He doesn't want to reveal his interest in Kylie's hopes and dreams either, little suspecting that he's in closeup to the audience, and – though his head, body and even most of his face stay quite still – we see his eyes flick tellingly towards her as she's speaking. 'Know what I want?' she says. 'To travel the world with a handsome, intelligent man.' As she returns to the bathroom (watched by Leonard, with some interest) and thus out of their hearing, Garrett decides to make a little joke at Eduardo's expense: 'A man – hey, you hear that, amigo? You're almost her type – one out of three's not bad.' That's very near to the knuckle, and Eduardo's getting uncomfortable now, so he decides to change the tone of the evening by throwing a pillow in Garrett's face. 'My big dream is to kick your...' he says, then he can't finish because the pillow comes back (maybe, for the kids, he had to be cut off from saying something less appropriate than 'butt'). There's a nice, subtle touch with Leonard's reaction to this, mistakenly thinking that he's having this sleepover with the most immature people in the world (just as Slimer joins in with the pillow fight); well, I guess we can't really blame the guy for not realising there's more to it. Meanwhile, Kylie has been showing a lot of warmth towards Leonard; earlier she was touching his arm to reassure him that the Ghostbusters could help, calling his potentially dodgy wish for a wife 'romantic' – to an accompanying sidelong look from Eduardo – and during the exchange just described, she says of Leonard's decision to up sticks and leave his job, 'Takes guts to make a move like that.'
This episode contains a couple of scenes which are absolute gems, and unlike 'In Your Dreams', they are enhanced by probably the cleanest, most attractive animation you'll see in the series. The Ghostbusters must spend the night at the firehouse with client Leonard Bates and wait for a life-force-sucking bride to come and try to kiss him dead. The staging is wonderful, as the characters are all in their night attire, which makes the whole situation feel very intimate. There has already been a little bit of implied slightly sexual content earlier for the adults in the audience, with the look Roland and Garrett exchange when Egon suggests that Leonard 'asked for something at this wishing well; a woman, a bride...' How embarrassing! Anyway, while everyone's going in and out of the bathroom (which I don't think is usually off that room, but oh well) and settling down for the night, Roland, Kylie and Garrett have a conversation about their hopes for the future; Eduardo does not join in. He doesn't want to talk about his feelings, of course. He doesn't want to reveal his interest in Kylie's hopes and dreams either, little suspecting that he's in closeup to the audience, and – though his head, body and even most of his face stay quite still – we see his eyes flick tellingly towards her as she's speaking. 'Know what I want?' she says. 'To travel the world with a handsome, intelligent man.' As she returns to the bathroom (watched by Leonard, with some interest) and thus out of their hearing, Garrett decides to make a little joke at Eduardo's expense: 'A man – hey, you hear that, amigo? You're almost her type – one out of three's not bad.' That's very near to the knuckle, and Eduardo's getting uncomfortable now, so he decides to change the tone of the evening by throwing a pillow in Garrett's face. 'My big dream is to kick your...' he says, then he can't finish because the pillow comes back (maybe, for the kids, he had to be cut off from saying something less appropriate than 'butt'). There's a nice, subtle touch with Leonard's reaction to this, mistakenly thinking that he's having this sleepover with the most immature people in the world (just as Slimer joins in with the pillow fight); well, I guess we can't really blame the guy for not realising there's more to it. Meanwhile, Kylie has been showing a lot of warmth towards Leonard; earlier she was touching his arm to reassure him that the Ghostbusters could help, calling his potentially dodgy wish for a wife 'romantic' – to an accompanying sidelong look from Eduardo – and during the exchange just described, she says of Leonard's decision to up sticks and leave his job, 'Takes guts to make a move like that.'

When they've all been asleep for a while, the bride shows up. This scene goes into Eduardo's feelings more explicitly than the previous one, and follows on beautifully from it. The demon can hide in reflective surfaces, and chooses a nice silver tray that's lying around; in order to entice her out, Kylie decides to shake out her hair and come onto Leonard in no uncertain terms. (This is one of the episodes CITV didn't show; I wonder if they thought it was too sexy!) 'Hey, this is stupid, man,' Eduardo says, before Kylie's really had a chance to get started, and she shuts him up by snapping at him: 'Eduardo!' Then Tara goes all-out with her seductive voice. 'My financial needs are so neglected... O-oh, Leonard...' Kylie's got this really short nightie on as well. And no bra (you can so tell, and anyway, she wouldn't to sleep). At first Leonard is rather shocked (well, so was I a bit!). Then he seems to like it... he seems to really like it... and he's happy to play along. Perhaps it's best not to think too much of their respective ages, as she's about eighteen and he's about thirty-nine. But then she's legal, as Eduardo has told us before – and of course, he is going mad with jealousy at this point. Kylie and Leonard pretty much get around to kissing on the lips before the bride comes out to attack Kylie and tell her to keep her 'Hands off my man, witch!' A nice and possibly symbolic touch here (which it has taken me many viewings to spot) is the bride elbowing Eduardo out of her way in order to do what he's longing to do himself i.e. tear the couple apart. 'I can't get a clean shot!' Garrett says, as the demon bride wrestles with Kylie. Eduardo sorts this out by hurling himself bodily at the demon to move her, with a revealing tribal roar. Then the Ghostbusters can trap the bride, and they do. Kylie and Eduardo exchange a triumphant smile, but she still can't keep her hands off Leonard; with a joyful cry of 'We did it!', she rushes to hug him (Jake has suggested that she does this in order to see what Eduardo will do next, which is...). 'Okay, okay, show's over,' Eduardo says, forcing himself between them. Kylie doesn't mind a bit (and perhaps even hoped it would happen). 'Eduardo,' she says, pleasantly surprised by his actions, 'that was brave of you!' She is now beaming sunshine at him as he replies, with little or no attempt to play the whole thing down, 'Well, y'know, sometimes my instincts they, er, they just take over.' He returns her smile, and then Leonard breaks the spell by asking, 'Are you guys together?' (Perhaps it's good to suggest that he has no particular plans to pick up where he left of with Kylie later, but then he does bother calling her all the way from Europe at the end of the episode so, y'know, maybe they did!) Eduardo gets uncomfortable again and tries to laugh it off, of course very unconvincingly. 'Together? Are you kidding? Oh man, that's, that's a rich one.' It's been a tough night for him, trying to cover up so many emotions and then letting some of them get away from him. As everyone is dispersing, happy with a job well done (how little they know!), he takes a moment to stand still and gather his thoughts. When he holsters his proton gun and goes back to the couch, he has a hold of himself. Then he finds Garrett has taken over the most comfortable sleeping place. Eduardo looks seriously miffed – it's sort of an emotional last straw, perhaps – then wanders off. Oh, these scenes are pure gold, man!

Back in the Saddle (Part 2)
Even though I think this episode is okay, I do feel that eight Ghostbusters is too many, and we're missing characterisation and interaction. There was only so much they could do in the time, which is understandable, and I appreciate that some good Eduardo and Kylie moments were saved for (what should have been) the final episode. Near the beginning, and following on from Part 1, Kylie starts indulging her older man complex with Ray. 'It's so inspiring that you're willing to travel the country to further the cause of metaphysical research, Dr Stantz,' she says, lifting her shoulders and batting her eyes. Ray looks rather amazed for a moment, then kind of admits he's mostly doing it for the money (perhaps RGB fans don't like that much; I don't know). 'Oh yeah,' Eduardo says, leaning in close to Kylie, 'dude's a real humanitarian.' Jealousy is not my favourite way of showing a character's romantic and sexual feelings; even so, I remember feeling relieved at this point, having just received my 'Back in the Saddle' video all the way from the USA, that I wasn't to be totally deprived of Eduardo and Kylie moments. I mean, Part 1 had given me pretty much nothing there! But I needn't have worried. Later on, there's plenty of lifesaving going on, and this time it's completely amicable. Kylie has to rescue Eduardo from drowning because he can't seem to remove his own proton pack whilst underwater, and twice – just before she saves him, and again towards the end of the episode – he pulls her free of the clutches of the giant, tentacle-waving, all-consuming demon from the Bermuda Triangle. They're both very polite and grateful, and she uses the excuse to put her hand on him (not a million miles away from his lower body; she's moved down a bit from his elbows, then!) when they've collapsed together in a heap after the demon's second attempt to swallow her. As Eduardo puts it, 'This is becoming a habit with you!' 'I owe you one again,' she says, while he's looking at where she's touching him. He's probably thinking all sorts of things, and perhaps she's thinking them too. The demon must agree with him that Kylie looks tasty, so they've had a tug-of-war (or two) over her, which Eduardo always wins because he wants it more. That's what I think, anyway – and there ends their journey through the series. There is an earlier and much subtler part of this episode that I like more, though, and it is a thing I like about the original Ghostbusters coming back (for it was well worth doing): Eduardo tries to amuse Kylie with a bit of irony – 'Lots of New Yorkers go to Bermuda for the holidays, but this thing's from Bermuda, and it's coming to New York!' – and only succeeds in annoying her, all the while getting the funniest looks from Peter (who is certainly my favourite original Ghostbuster). Is Dr Venkman reminded of his younger self, or is he thinking that he could have done so much better? Maybe a little of both. It's a lovely bit of characterisation, and a nice element to add to the Eduardo and Kylie dynamic for a moment.
Even though I think this episode is okay, I do feel that eight Ghostbusters is too many, and we're missing characterisation and interaction. There was only so much they could do in the time, which is understandable, and I appreciate that some good Eduardo and Kylie moments were saved for (what should have been) the final episode. Near the beginning, and following on from Part 1, Kylie starts indulging her older man complex with Ray. 'It's so inspiring that you're willing to travel the country to further the cause of metaphysical research, Dr Stantz,' she says, lifting her shoulders and batting her eyes. Ray looks rather amazed for a moment, then kind of admits he's mostly doing it for the money (perhaps RGB fans don't like that much; I don't know). 'Oh yeah,' Eduardo says, leaning in close to Kylie, 'dude's a real humanitarian.' Jealousy is not my favourite way of showing a character's romantic and sexual feelings; even so, I remember feeling relieved at this point, having just received my 'Back in the Saddle' video all the way from the USA, that I wasn't to be totally deprived of Eduardo and Kylie moments. I mean, Part 1 had given me pretty much nothing there! But I needn't have worried. Later on, there's plenty of lifesaving going on, and this time it's completely amicable. Kylie has to rescue Eduardo from drowning because he can't seem to remove his own proton pack whilst underwater, and twice – just before she saves him, and again towards the end of the episode – he pulls her free of the clutches of the giant, tentacle-waving, all-consuming demon from the Bermuda Triangle. They're both very polite and grateful, and she uses the excuse to put her hand on him (not a million miles away from his lower body; she's moved down a bit from his elbows, then!) when they've collapsed together in a heap after the demon's second attempt to swallow her. As Eduardo puts it, 'This is becoming a habit with you!' 'I owe you one again,' she says, while he's looking at where she's touching him. He's probably thinking all sorts of things, and perhaps she's thinking them too. The demon must agree with him that Kylie looks tasty, so they've had a tug-of-war (or two) over her, which Eduardo always wins because he wants it more. That's what I think, anyway – and there ends their journey through the series. There is an earlier and much subtler part of this episode that I like more, though, and it is a thing I like about the original Ghostbusters coming back (for it was well worth doing): Eduardo tries to amuse Kylie with a bit of irony – 'Lots of New Yorkers go to Bermuda for the holidays, but this thing's from Bermuda, and it's coming to New York!' – and only succeeds in annoying her, all the while getting the funniest looks from Peter (who is certainly my favourite original Ghostbuster). Is Dr Venkman reminded of his younger self, or is he thinking that he could have done so much better? Maybe a little of both. It's a lovely bit of characterisation, and a nice element to add to the Eduardo and Kylie dynamic for a moment.